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Tagged with 'Educational Insights'

Naughty or Nice, Make a List and Pin it Twice!

It’s the holiday season and we’re kicking it off right.With a special contest: “Make a List and Pin it Twice.”Go to to get a start.Find the toys and games you love with all your heart.Pin them each and mark with #EIWISHLIST.We’ll choose a lucky pinner whose shopping we’ll assist.On December 14th a winner will be named.So scurry on over, your pinning need not be tamed!
Naughty or Nice, Make a List and Pin it Twice! It’s the holiday season and we’re kicking it off right.With a special contest: “Make a List and Pin it Twice.”Go to to get a start.Find the toys and games you love with all your heart.Pin them each and mark with #EIWISHLIST.We’ll choose a lucky pinner whose shopping we’ll assist.On December 14th a winner will be named.So scurry on over, your pinning need not be tamed! READ MORE

Win an Exclusive Copy of Shelby's Snack Shack!

The holiday season is in full swing and to commemorate this special time, we're giving Facebook fans an exclusive opportunity to win a copy of our newest product, Shelby's Snack Shack™ Game-- the sister game to our best selling Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel™ Game. Shelby's Snack Shack™ Game is a number and counting bone-anza! It's the perfect game for preschoolers and pug lovers everywhere, ages 4 and up.To enter the contest, simply:1. Click on this link: : Team Shelby!2. "Like" Shelby's page (the actual pug this game is modeled after!)3. Share the contest post with family and friends to be eligible to win!And that's it! Shelby's Snack Shack™ isn't available to the public until January 2013, so hurry on and enter to claim this very special prize! Contest ends Friday, December 7th, 2012 at MIDNIGHT PST! Good Luck!
Win an Exclusive Copy of Shelby's Snack Shack! The holiday season is in full swing and to commemorate this special time, we're giving Facebook fans an exclusive opportunity to win a copy of our newest product, Shelby's Snack Shack™ Game-- the sister game to our best selling Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel™ Game. Shelby's Snack Shack™ Game is a number and counting bone-anza! It's the perfect game for preschoolers and pug lovers everywhere, ages 4 and up.To enter the contest, simply:1. Click on this link: : Team Shelby!2. "Like" Shelby's page (the actual pug this game is modeled after!)3. Share the contest post with family and friends to be eligible to win!And that's it! Shelby's Snack Shack™ isn't available to the public until January 2013, so hurry on and enter to claim this very special prize! Contest ends Friday, December 7th, 2012 at MIDNIGHT PST! Good Luck! READ MORE
BREAKING NEWS from Acorn Land! The Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel Game was nominated for Game of the Year by the Toy Industry Association this morning in Manhattan. Help us out by casting your vote for our little squirrel! Vote here:  Team Sneaky! READ MORE

Mommy Mondays: 15 Minutes

Why is it that no matter how early I wake up, how calm and peaceful I try to make the getting-ready process, the last 15 minutes before dropping my daughter off at school are always crazy?This morning, for example, I woke up at 5:45 to work out, check emails, make lunches, and get myself ready before waking Emma up at 6:45 (clearly I don’t spend a lot of time on makeup). She woke up bright and cheery. We read a book in bed and then headed into the living room for a bit of coloring and a TV show before getting her dressed, breakfast eaten, teeth brushed, and fish fed. Sometimes we can even sneak in arts & crafts or a walk around the block before we head out!And then all heck breaks loose. Somehow the 15 minutes I leave to get us to school, which is 3 minutes away door-to-door, is never enough. Grabbing purses, backpacks, homework (which needs to go into the backpack, which is already on the back), and lunches… getting out the door and into the car (why is this so hard? It’s like it happens in slow motion)… driving to school and parking… it’s a marathon exercise, always a scramble, and the ramifications of cutting it short a minute or two—not having any playground time before the bell rings—can turn my happy, cheery girl into a storm of pout and cling.  And so my memory of our calm, peaceful, together-time morning is replaced by the last, pitiful look I get as she walks into class, and this is what I take with me all day.Yes, my head knows that she’s fine the minute she turns the corner into her classroom, but my heart can’t quite believe it. Has anyone cracked the morning code? Left the drop-off happy and satisfied? Tips are much appreciated.
Mommy Mondays: 15 Minutes Why is it that no matter how early I wake up, how calm and peaceful I try to make the getting-ready process, the last 15 minutes before dropping my daughter off at school are always crazy?This morning, for example, I woke up at 5:45 to work out, check emails, make lunches, and get myself ready before waking Emma up at 6:45 (clearly I don’t spend a lot of time on makeup). She woke up bright and cheery. We read a book in bed and then headed into the living room for a bit of coloring and a TV show before getting her dressed, breakfast eaten, teeth brushed, and fish fed. Sometimes we can even sneak in arts & crafts or a walk around the block before we head out!And then all heck breaks loose. Somehow the 15 minutes I leave to get us to school, which is 3 minutes away door-to-door, is never enough. Grabbing purses, backpacks, homework (which needs to go into the backpack, which is already on the back), and lunches… getting out the door and into the car (why is this so hard? It’s like it happens in slow motion)… driving to school and parking… it’s a marathon exercise, always a scramble, and the ramifications of cutting it short a minute or two—not having any playground time before the bell rings—can turn my happy, cheery girl into a storm of pout and cling.  And so my memory of our calm, peaceful, together-time morning is replaced by the last, pitiful look I get as she walks into class, and this is what I take with me all day.Yes, my head knows that she’s fine the minute she turns the corner into her classroom, but my heart can’t quite believe it. Has anyone cracked the morning code? Left the drop-off happy and satisfied? Tips are much appreciated. READ MORE
Here's a Great Design and Drill Review! Check out this great Design & Drill® review from our friends over at Mommy Coupon Swappers! son spent hours screwing and unscrewing the bolts in different patters and with the different drill tips. Tell us on Facebook what you like best about Design & Drill® and you could win one of your own! READ MORE

All Dressed Up!

Here are all the pictures from yesterday's Halloween shenanigans yesterday in the office. We've got some truly creative people here at Educational Insights!Here's Brent, one of our product managers, as Felix the Cat!Our graphic designer, Ernesto, as the Dark Knight.Riley, our Creative Director, as the tortured artist that he is!Jess as the Wendy's cold drinks training video star. Her inspiration source comes from this gem:, our senior production artist, as the Green Hornet.James Tu, another one of our product managers, as the ever popular Psy doing the Gangnam style!Our marketing assistant, Caitlin, as a California cool surfer chick.And last but not least, our office pooch Shelby as the Wonder Pug!Here's Lisa, our manager, and Shelby.
All Dressed Up! Here are all the pictures from yesterday's Halloween shenanigans yesterday in the office. We've got some truly creative people here at Educational Insights!Here's Brent, one of our product managers, as Felix the Cat!Our graphic designer, Ernesto, as the Dark Knight.Riley, our Creative Director, as the tortured artist that he is!Jess as the Wendy's cold drinks training video star. Her inspiration source comes from this gem:, our senior production artist, as the Green Hornet.James Tu, another one of our product managers, as the ever popular Psy doing the Gangnam style!Our marketing assistant, Caitlin, as a California cool surfer chick.And last but not least, our office pooch Shelby as the Wonder Pug!Here's Lisa, our manager, and Shelby. READ MORE

Happy Halloween!

To commemorate this holiday, here's a look past at Halloweens past here at the Educational Insights office.Marcia Gresko, our Sr. Product Manager, makes a dazzling Undead Spider Bride.Amy Opheim, our Marketing Director, bats her wings.Shelby the lioness. "I am Pug, hear me ROAR."Our Creative Director, Riley Wilkinson, as an Olympic champion.Our Creative Department as themselves.Silent-but-deadly Jessie Cho-- our Design Manager.Sonia Hernandez's real side. She's our Sr. Production Artist!Ernesto (our Graphic Designer) is on fire!Have a SAFE and Happy Halloween tonight!
Happy Halloween! To commemorate this holiday, here's a look past at Halloweens past here at the Educational Insights office.Marcia Gresko, our Sr. Product Manager, makes a dazzling Undead Spider Bride.Amy Opheim, our Marketing Director, bats her wings.Shelby the lioness. "I am Pug, hear me ROAR."Our Creative Director, Riley Wilkinson, as an Olympic champion.Our Creative Department as themselves.Silent-but-deadly Jessie Cho-- our Design Manager.Sonia Hernandez's real side. She's our Sr. Production Artist!Ernesto (our Graphic Designer) is on fire!Have a SAFE and Happy Halloween tonight! READ MORE
An Old Chinese Proverb
"Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself."