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Could You Be Kinder? Take Our Random Acts of Kindness Challenge and Find Out!

February 17th is National Random Acts of Kindness Day and that’s a holiday we can all get behind! Take our Random Acts of Kindness Challenge and see how many of these activities you can do in a single day – bonus points if your kids see you doing them!Blog_KindnessChallenge
  1. Hold the door open for the person behind you.
  2. Print a funny GIF or surprise note in your kiddo’s lunchbox. Get FREE printables.
  3. Pay it forward in the coffee line.
  4. Greet each person you pass.
  5. Email your boss with positive feedback about another employee.
  6. Compliment a stranger.
  7. Pick up a piece of litter and toss it in the trash.
  8. Edit out any negative comments and let the positive flow.
  9. Double your tip at lunchtime.
  10. Introduce yourself to someone new.
  11. Bake a batch of cookies – then share them all.
  12. Call your mom.
  13. Bring a coworker or friend a coffee.
  14. Take your dog for an extra-long walk.
  15. Ask each cashier you encounter how THEY’RE doing today.
  16. Let someone – or everyone! – merge in front of you.
  17. Surprise a former co-worker with a great review on LinkedIn.
  18. Make a lunch date with a friend you haven’t seen in a while.
  19. Give someone the benefit of the doubt. Even if you know they’re wrong ????
  20. Ask your kids for advice about something and really listen.
  21. Email, text, or call someone who has made a difference in your life and let them know.
  22. Leave a kind comment on every social media post you read.
  23. Put your phone away when you’re talking to someone.
  24. Thank someone who makes your life better or easier.
  25. Make a small donation to a cause you support.
Kindness doesn’t stop with you! Challenge your kids to complete these five acts of kindness today (and every day!):[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="716"]Photo credit: Photo credit:[/caption]
  1. Smile at everyone you see.
  2. Look for someone standing alone and ask them to play or sit with you.
  3. Tell everyone in your family that you love them – and why.
  4. Share your snack.
  5. Give your teacher a hug.
You can do it – we know you can! To continue the challenge, check out and download their free monthly kindness calendars for school and work![caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1400"]Photo credit: Photo credit:[/caption]
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Could You Be Kinder? Take Our Random Acts of Kindness Challenge and Find Out!
February 17th is National Random Acts of Kindness Day and that’s a holiday we can all get behind! Take our Random Acts of Kindness Challenge and see how many of these activities you can do in a single day – bonus points if your kids see you doing them!Blog_KindnessChallenge
  1. Hold the door open for the person behind you.
  2. Print a funny GIF or surprise note in your kiddo’s lunchbox. Get FREE printables.
  3. Pay it forward in the coffee line.
  4. Greet each person you pass.
  5. Email your boss with positive feedback about another employee.
  6. Compliment a stranger.
  7. Pick up a piece of litter and toss it in the trash.
  8. Edit out any negative comments and let the positive flow.
  9. Double your tip at lunchtime.
  10. Introduce yourself to someone new.
  11. Bake a batch of cookies – then share them all.
  12. Call your mom.
  13. Bring a coworker or friend a coffee.
  14. Take your dog for an extra-long walk.
  15. Ask each cashier you encounter how THEY’RE doing today.
  16. Let someone – or everyone! – merge in front of you.
  17. Surprise a former co-worker with a great review on LinkedIn.
  18. Make a lunch date with a friend you haven’t seen in a while.
  19. Give someone the benefit of the doubt. Even if you know they’re wrong ????
  20. Ask your kids for advice about something and really listen.
  21. Email, text, or call someone who has made a difference in your life and let them know.
  22. Leave a kind comment on every social media post you read.
  23. Put your phone away when you’re talking to someone.
  24. Thank someone who makes your life better or easier.
  25. Make a small donation to a cause you support.
Kindness doesn’t stop with you! Challenge your kids to complete these five acts of kindness today (and every day!):[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="716"]Photo credit: Photo credit:[/caption]
  1. Smile at everyone you see.
  2. Look for someone standing alone and ask them to play or sit with you.
  3. Tell everyone in your family that you love them – and why.
  4. Share your snack.
  5. Give your teacher a hug.
You can do it – we know you can! To continue the challenge, check out and download their free monthly kindness calendars for school and work![caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1400"]Photo credit: Photo credit:[/caption]