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Learning Through Play


Shine is one of the Rainbow Prancers™ that makes everything squeaky clean and so supreme! Watch this pristine unicorn clean up any situation with her PRANCIFY powers. How do you prancify? #prancify Shine, one of our newest members of the Puppet-on-stick™ line, in all of her glitz and glory, HERE!
Introducing Shine OF THE RAINBOW PRANCERS™! Shine is one of the Rainbow Prancers™ that makes everything squeaky clean and so supreme! Watch this pristine unicorn clean up any situation with her PRANCIFY powers. How do you prancify? #prancify Shine, one of our newest members of the Puppet-on-stick™ line, in all of her glitz and glory, HERE! READ MORE
Pancake Pile-Up! on the Today Show Pass the maple syrup and get ready for loads of relay-racing family game fun, Pancake Pile-Up was featured on the Today Show with Toy Expert, Stephanie Oppenheim!

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To watch the entire segment, go to the Today Show!

Introducing Our New Experts: Lekotek - Special Needs Experts

Lekotek, Special Needs Toy ExpertsWhat the heck is Lekotek? “Lek” is Swedish for play and “tek” means library. Hence the name, Lekotek.Lekotek is a team of national play experts with over 30 years of helping children of all abilities. They’ve recommended unique ways to use some of our top products for learning development. Here are some of their top picks:[gallery ids="2061,2063,2069"]Robot Face Race™: Pre-readers relish this fast-paced game that calls on players to visually process and race to place the right face. Kids power up their matching skills, boost their concentration and build recognition skills as they search for a robot face match. The fast tempo of the game has been known to invent some silly social interactions ideal for all ages!Marco’s Polos™: Marco’s Polos is an expedition of discovery to a land of turn-taking and good sportsmanship. Players are prompted to visually focus, mentally process and physically play this fast-action matching game promoting concentration and attention to detail. Color recognition is the master of this trunk load of social engagement!The GeoSafari Jr. Underwater Explorer Boat lets imaginations float to undiscovered worlds where water rules. Scientific concepts like magnification, gravity, and the power of observation are all pouring in while little faces stay dry. No risk of losing this vessel with the handy wristlet! As voyagers learn to focus visually through the portal they pilot through a sensory exploration of uncharted waters. See more top toys to support special needs in Lekotek's expert hub.
Introducing Our New Experts: Lekotek - Special Needs Experts Lekotek, Special Needs Toy ExpertsWhat the heck is Lekotek? “Lek” is Swedish for play and “tek” means library. Hence the name, Lekotek.Lekotek is a team of national play experts with over 30 years of helping children of all abilities. They’ve recommended unique ways to use some of our top products for learning development. Here are some of their top picks:[gallery ids="2061,2063,2069"]Robot Face Race™: Pre-readers relish this fast-paced game that calls on players to visually process and race to place the right face. Kids power up their matching skills, boost their concentration and build recognition skills as they search for a robot face match. The fast tempo of the game has been known to invent some silly social interactions ideal for all ages!Marco’s Polos™: Marco’s Polos is an expedition of discovery to a land of turn-taking and good sportsmanship. Players are prompted to visually focus, mentally process and physically play this fast-action matching game promoting concentration and attention to detail. Color recognition is the master of this trunk load of social engagement!The GeoSafari Jr. Underwater Explorer Boat lets imaginations float to undiscovered worlds where water rules. Scientific concepts like magnification, gravity, and the power of observation are all pouring in while little faces stay dry. No risk of losing this vessel with the handy wristlet! As voyagers learn to focus visually through the portal they pilot through a sensory exploration of uncharted waters. See more top toys to support special needs in Lekotek's expert hub. READ MORE
Make a One-of-a Kind Father's Day Card Dad Lib - Free Printable! Create a unique Father's Day card with this fun fill-in-the-blank Dad Lib. Print it out, fill it out, and make your one-of-a-kind Father's Day card! Download the full version: EI_Dadlib. Feel free to share your Dad Lib on our Facebook page, we'd love to see it!20140611_Dadlibs-r4 READ MORE

Change it Up! for reading

72DPI_Thao_Changitup_MarchThao knew exactly whom she wanted to pick for her turn at the Change It Up! program. Each month an employee chooses a worthy organization for which to fundraise and collect spare change. Thao chose Reading Partners. This organization is leading a movement to close the reading achievement gap.Reading Partners is a nonprofit literacy organization that recruits and trains community volunteers to provide one-on-one reading tutoring to students in under-resourced schools across the country. The highly effective program has helped thousands of children master the fundamental reading skills they need to succeed in school and beyond.Not only that, but they show results! In the 2012-13, school year: 88% of participating students accelerated their rate of learning, and 72% finished the year closer to their target grade level, bringing them closer to their on-grade-level peers.Small change, big impact!
Change it Up! for reading 72DPI_Thao_Changitup_MarchThao knew exactly whom she wanted to pick for her turn at the Change It Up! program. Each month an employee chooses a worthy organization for which to fundraise and collect spare change. Thao chose Reading Partners. This organization is leading a movement to close the reading achievement gap.Reading Partners is a nonprofit literacy organization that recruits and trains community volunteers to provide one-on-one reading tutoring to students in under-resourced schools across the country. The highly effective program has helped thousands of children master the fundamental reading skills they need to succeed in school and beyond.Not only that, but they show results! In the 2012-13, school year: 88% of participating students accelerated their rate of learning, and 72% finished the year closer to their target grade level, bringing them closer to their on-grade-level peers.Small change, big impact! READ MORE

Change it Up! after our H.E.A.R.T.S.

Changeitup_MariaMaria is going after our hearts this month! For our Change It Up! program, an employee chooses a worthy organization to fundraise for during each month. Maria chose to collect spare change for H.E.A.R.T.S. This elementary after-school program stands for Helping Elementary Achievers Reach the Stars.H.E.A.R.T.S. Promises to:
  • Provide a safe and positive learning atmosphere for students after regular school hours
  • Provide academic support
  • Provide personal enrichment and development opportunities for the special needs of Riverside youth
  • Provide positive mentoring
  • Provide a creative outlet for youth
The number of students who can be accepted into the after-school program at each site is limited and varies according to the amount of funding the school receives. Every dollar can make a difference!
Change it Up! after our H.E.A.R.T.S. Changeitup_MariaMaria is going after our hearts this month! For our Change It Up! program, an employee chooses a worthy organization to fundraise for during each month. Maria chose to collect spare change for H.E.A.R.T.S. This elementary after-school program stands for Helping Elementary Achievers Reach the Stars.H.E.A.R.T.S. Promises to:
  • Provide a safe and positive learning atmosphere for students after regular school hours
  • Provide academic support
  • Provide personal enrichment and development opportunities for the special needs of Riverside youth
  • Provide positive mentoring
  • Provide a creative outlet for youth
The number of students who can be accepted into the after-school program at each site is limited and varies according to the amount of funding the school receives. Every dollar can make a difference!

Change it up! January

Changeitup_James_DECThis past month, product manager James Tu wanted to raise money for Susan G. Komen for the Cure®. Each month, an employee chooses a worthy cause to fundraise and collect spare change for at our “Change It Up” station.James picked this wonderful organization because, “I think that all of us know someone whose life has been changed by breast cancer. I’m hoping that someday the impact of breast cancer will be nonexistent.” Please join us and support Susan G. Komen for the Cure® and help breast cancer patients (men and women) lead longer and more fulfilling lives.Since 1982, Komen for the Cure has played a critical role in every major advance in the fight against breast cancer – transforming how the world talks about and treats this disease and helping to turn millions of breast cancer patients into breast cancer survivors:
  • More early detection – nearly 75 percent of women over 40 years old now receive regular mammograms, the single most effective tool for detecting breast cancer early (in 1982, less than 30 percent received a clinical exam).
  • More hope – the five-year survival rate for breast cancer, when caught early before it spreads beyond the breast, is now 98 percent (compared to 74 percent in 1982).
  • More research – the federal government now devotes more than $900 million each year to breast cancer research, treatment and prevention (compared to $30 million in 1982).
  • More survivors – America’s 2.5 million breast cancers survivors, the largest group of cancer survivors in the U.S., are a living testament to the power of society and science to save lives.”
Change it up! January Changeitup_James_DECThis past month, product manager James Tu wanted to raise money for Susan G. Komen for the Cure®. Each month, an employee chooses a worthy cause to fundraise and collect spare change for at our “Change It Up” station.James picked this wonderful organization because, “I think that all of us know someone whose life has been changed by breast cancer. I’m hoping that someday the impact of breast cancer will be nonexistent.” Please join us and support Susan G. Komen for the Cure® and help breast cancer patients (men and women) lead longer and more fulfilling lives.Since 1982, Komen for the Cure has played a critical role in every major advance in the fight against breast cancer – transforming how the world talks about and treats this disease and helping to turn millions of breast cancer patients into breast cancer survivors:
  • More early detection – nearly 75 percent of women over 40 years old now receive regular mammograms, the single most effective tool for detecting breast cancer early (in 1982, less than 30 percent received a clinical exam).
  • More hope – the five-year survival rate for breast cancer, when caught early before it spreads beyond the breast, is now 98 percent (compared to 74 percent in 1982).
  • More research – the federal government now devotes more than $900 million each year to breast cancer research, treatment and prevention (compared to $30 million in 1982).
  • More survivors – America’s 2.5 million breast cancers survivors, the largest group of cancer survivors in the U.S., are a living testament to the power of society and science to save lives.”

Change it up! November

Eric Dahan Educational InsightsIn November, we collected our spare change in the Change It Up! station  for Eric’s charity – Swipes for the Homeless.Swipes for the Homeless is an international coalition of universities and colleges. Students “swipe meals” in their dining halls. The donated meals are transferred into non-perishable goods and delivered to local homeless populations. The organization has been recognized by the Obama administration as one of five “Champions of Change” from among thousands of applicants.Once again, “small change” can lead to big changes for those in need.
Change it up! November Eric Dahan Educational InsightsIn November, we collected our spare change in the Change It Up! station  for Eric’s charity – Swipes for the Homeless.Swipes for the Homeless is an international coalition of universities and colleges. Students “swipe meals” in their dining halls. The donated meals are transferred into non-perishable goods and delivered to local homeless populations. The organization has been recognized by the Obama administration as one of five “Champions of Change” from among thousands of applicants.Once again, “small change” can lead to big changes for those in need. READ MORE

The Top 7 Reasons to Teach Your Kids to Cook

Nothing kicks off the holiday season quite like the smell of a homemade pumpkin pie. Well, except maybe a turkey slowly roasting in the oven. The point is, food is an essential part of the season of gratitude and giving. This year, start a new holiday tradition that you can practice throughout the year—cook with your kids.OK, we know what you’re thinking: sharknado in the kitchen. However, teaching your children to cook has so many benefits, it may just make the flour twisters worth it.To minimize stress, follow a few simple tips:shutterstock_22144966• Start off with relaxing meals and simple dishes. Think Sunday brunch or Christmas cookies on a Saturday afternoon. You’ll have more time to answer questions, monitor your child’s progress—and clean up.• Teach age-appropriate tasks. There’s nothing more heart-stopping thant seeing a kindergartener with a chef’s knife. Young children can mix and stir, tear lettuce or spread butter on toast using a dull knife. Older children can measure out ingredients and use kitchen tools like whisks and can openers, eventually graduating to blenders, mixers, and even the stove!• Clean as you go. One of the secrets to professional cooking also applies in your home kitchen. Teach kids to wipe the counter after each step and stack dishes in the sink after they are finished with them. Outfit your little chef with his or her own apron to keep clothes spot-free.It may not be the easiest batch of brownies you’ll ever make, but the perks your child will receive are numerous. For instance:1. Better eating habits. Kids who help make their own meals are more likely to try—and even eat—the food they’ve made, a major bonus for parents of picky eaters. It’s also a great way to introduce nutrient-rich fruits and veggies into their diet.2. Math, reading, and chemistry know-how. Preparing food helps bring academic lessons to life. Cooking requires reading, counting, measuring and fractions, weighing, sequencing, and problem solving. Older children can tackle chemistry while caramelizing onions or whisking oil and vinegar together for vinaigrette.3. Knowledge of different cultures. Cultures have rich culinary traditions. Piggyback a lesson on the Great Wall of China by making dumplings or teach your child about Cinco de Mayo while making homemade quesadillas..4. Deeper understanding of food. A necessary part of cooking is shopping for ingredients. At the supermarket, show kids how to pick out ripe produce and introduce older kids to prices and discounts. Whenever possible, visit your local farmers market to teach your child about local and seasonal produce, and talk about how food is grown.5. Confidence and creativity. We all love that feeling of making a dish our families devour. Kids are no different. Their self-worth will soar when they present the cupcakes they personally frosted or the casserole they helped assemble. Be sure to oooh and ahhh with gusto!6. Memories. Cooking together is an amazing time to communicate and bond with your children. The easy-going chats—as well as the meals—help forge family memories your child will remember for a lifetime. What’s more, families that cook together tend to sit down and eat together. Kids who have dinner with their parents do better in school and are less likely to be anxious or depressed.7. Life skills. It’s hard to believe it now, but someday your children are going to leave the nest. Teaching them to cook is the best way to ensure they won’t have to eat ramen noodles and take-out every night.
The Top 7 Reasons to Teach Your Kids to Cook Nothing kicks off the holiday season quite like the smell of a homemade pumpkin pie. Well, except maybe a turkey slowly roasting in the oven. The point is, food is an essential part of the season of gratitude and giving. This year, start a new holiday tradition that you can practice throughout the year—cook with your kids.OK, we know what you’re thinking: sharknado in the kitchen. However, teaching your children to cook has so many benefits, it may just make the flour twisters worth it.To minimize stress, follow a few simple tips:shutterstock_22144966• Start off with relaxing meals and simple dishes. Think Sunday brunch or Christmas cookies on a Saturday afternoon. You’ll have more time to answer questions, monitor your child’s progress—and clean up.• Teach age-appropriate tasks. There’s nothing more heart-stopping thant seeing a kindergartener with a chef’s knife. Young children can mix and stir, tear lettuce or spread butter on toast using a dull knife. Older children can measure out ingredients and use kitchen tools like whisks and can openers, eventually graduating to blenders, mixers, and even the stove!• Clean as you go. One of the secrets to professional cooking also applies in your home kitchen. Teach kids to wipe the counter after each step and stack dishes in the sink after they are finished with them. Outfit your little chef with his or her own apron to keep clothes spot-free.It may not be the easiest batch of brownies you’ll ever make, but the perks your child will receive are numerous. For instance:1. Better eating habits. Kids who help make their own meals are more likely to try—and even eat—the food they’ve made, a major bonus for parents of picky eaters. It’s also a great way to introduce nutrient-rich fruits and veggies into their diet.2. Math, reading, and chemistry know-how. Preparing food helps bring academic lessons to life. Cooking requires reading, counting, measuring and fractions, weighing, sequencing, and problem solving. Older children can tackle chemistry while caramelizing onions or whisking oil and vinegar together for vinaigrette.3. Knowledge of different cultures. Cultures have rich culinary traditions. Piggyback a lesson on the Great Wall of China by making dumplings or teach your child about Cinco de Mayo while making homemade quesadillas..4. Deeper understanding of food. A necessary part of cooking is shopping for ingredients. At the supermarket, show kids how to pick out ripe produce and introduce older kids to prices and discounts. Whenever possible, visit your local farmers market to teach your child about local and seasonal produce, and talk about how food is grown.5. Confidence and creativity. We all love that feeling of making a dish our families devour. Kids are no different. Their self-worth will soar when they present the cupcakes they personally frosted or the casserole they helped assemble. Be sure to oooh and ahhh with gusto!6. Memories. Cooking together is an amazing time to communicate and bond with your children. The easy-going chats—as well as the meals—help forge family memories your child will remember for a lifetime. What’s more, families that cook together tend to sit down and eat together. Kids who have dinner with their parents do better in school and are less likely to be anxious or depressed.7. Life skills. It’s hard to believe it now, but someday your children are going to leave the nest. Teaching them to cook is the best way to ensure they won’t have to eat ramen noodles and take-out every night. READ MORE