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Explorers Wanted! 4 Fun Activities to Help Your Little Ones Learn to Love the World Around Them

Spring has sprung! Time to send your sweeties outside to breathe some fresh air, move their bodies, and build their brains. Yup, time outside isn’t just for fun. Encouraging outdoor exploration also helps kids discover new interests and hobbies, builds confidence, develops problem-solving skills, and inspires and rewards curiosity. The Experts in Play at Educational Insights have four fun activity ideas designed specifically to get your little explorers excited about getting outside, including:

1. Look Down Low!

Stand still for just a minute and you’ll be surprised at what’s creeping and crawling beneath your feet! Watch ants “talk” to each other as they scurry along, count the spots on a ladybug, see a beetle snack on plants, and more. For added fun, safely trap and examine your finds using the GeoSafari® Jr. Bugnoculars.

2. Look Up High!

Lift your eyes and marvel at the amazing creatures flying around your own backyard! Scope out birds in the trees, moths and butterflies in the sky, and more. Talk about where these flying friends might sleep and what they might eat. Then give your kids a closer view with the GeoSafari® Jr. Kidnoculars, featuring focus-free, extra-large eyepieces and 2x magnification.

3. Look Underwater!

Live near a pond, stream, or lake? Dip your toes in the water and wonder at the living creatures you see! See if you can spot a snail, a crayfish, or a salamander. Scan the surface for water striders. And, of course, see if you can find a fish! Get up close – without getting wet – using the GeoSafari® Jr. SubScope, complete with LED lights and 2x magnification!

4. Look to the Stars!

Grab a coat and head outside after dinner for a look at the starry sky. Take a look at the moon and talk about its shape, see if you can spot the brightest star (Sirius), and point out a constellation or two. Then get serious about your far-out fun with the GeoSafari® Jr. My First Telescope, a fully-functioning, 10x magnification telescope built just for preschoolers. And click for 7 Simple Steps to a Night of Stellar Stargazing!


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Explorers Wanted! 4 Fun Activities to Help Your Little Ones Learn to Love the World Around Them

Spring has sprung! Time to send your sweeties outside to breathe some fresh air, move their bodies, and build their brains. Yup, time outside isn’t just for fun. Encouraging outdoor exploration also helps kids discover new interests and hobbies, builds confidence, develops problem-solving skills, and inspires and rewards curiosity. The Experts in Play at Educational Insights have four fun activity ideas designed specifically to get your little explorers excited about getting outside, including:

1. Look Down Low!

Stand still for just a minute and you’ll be surprised at what’s creeping and crawling beneath your feet! Watch ants “talk” to each other as they scurry along, count the spots on a ladybug, see a beetle snack on plants, and more. For added fun, safely trap and examine your finds using the GeoSafari® Jr. Bugnoculars.

2. Look Up High!

Lift your eyes and marvel at the amazing creatures flying around your own backyard! Scope out birds in the trees, moths and butterflies in the sky, and more. Talk about where these flying friends might sleep and what they might eat. Then give your kids a closer view with the GeoSafari® Jr. Kidnoculars, featuring focus-free, extra-large eyepieces and 2x magnification.

3. Look Underwater!

Live near a pond, stream, or lake? Dip your toes in the water and wonder at the living creatures you see! See if you can spot a snail, a crayfish, or a salamander. Scan the surface for water striders. And, of course, see if you can find a fish! Get up close – without getting wet – using the GeoSafari® Jr. SubScope, complete with LED lights and 2x magnification!

4. Look to the Stars!

Grab a coat and head outside after dinner for a look at the starry sky. Take a look at the moon and talk about its shape, see if you can spot the brightest star (Sirius), and point out a constellation or two. Then get serious about your far-out fun with the GeoSafari® Jr. My First Telescope, a fully-functioning, 10x magnification telescope built just for preschoolers. And click for 7 Simple Steps to a Night of Stellar Stargazing!