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Celebrating Summer

6 Simple Ideas for Making the Most of the Season

There’s something magical about summer. It’s a time to let loose, hang out, and set your cares aside… A time of bare feet, popsicles on the porch, and long, twilight nights. But life gets busy and these sunny, summer days will slip by before you know it, so we’ve sharing six of our favorite tips to help you and your family make the most of this summer – together!
  1. Throw a party! It doesn’t have to be a big to-do (unless you want it to be) – but an official start-of-summer shindig is a great way to kick off the season with your family. Blow up a few balloons, barbecue some burgers or hot dogs, make your own lemonade or own ice cream, and create some summer crafts to mark the start of something special. Ask the kids to think of a few things they’d like to do this summer – their simple answers might surprise you.
  2. Slow it down! Before you hop in the car and head to the park, neighborhood pool, or library, ask yourself whether you really need to drive there. Could you walk, ride bikes, or scooters instead? Take your mind off the road and enjoy your surroundings – and your kids. Play eye-spy or try a sidewalk scavenger hunt on route. You’ll be sneaking in a bit of exercise and slowing down the pace of your day, too.
  3. Go old school for the day! Unplug and try some blast-from-the-past activities. Hold a hula hoop contest or try twirling a baton. Hot out? Set up a water balloon fight or try target practice with a water squirter. Hungry? Bob for apples or see who can eat the most watermelon – without using their hands! If you’ve got the space, grab an old pillowcase and show your kids how to race, three-legged or throw down the ol’ Slip & Slide. Blow bubbles, try a cartwheel… you get the idea. Bonus tip – don’t worry about taking pix – leave the camera inside and join in the fun.
  4. Have a lemonade stand! A lemonade stand is a rite of passage and a great lesson in entrepreneurship. Purchase your supplies – lemonade mix or fresh lemons and sugar as well as cups and ice – and ask for quarters for change for your customers. Then help your kids make a few pitchers of lemonade the night before so they’ll be nice and cool. They can also make their signs the night before – be sure they include the price. (Share your costs with older kids so they can understand what their net profit really is.) Help the kids set up a folding table and chairs and hang their sign, then pull up a chair and enjoy a good book while they get down to business! Bonus tip – posting about their sale on your neighborhood website or Facebook page is a great way to drum up customers.
  5. Hit the shore or the pool! This might not seem like a big idea, but the twist here is that YOU get in, too. Pack your towels and a picnic lunch, lather up with sunscreen, throw on your suit, and take the plunge. Do your best cannonball, hold hands as you float, give the boogie board a go. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of sun-drying after a swim and your kids will never forget the fun you had in the water – together.
  6. Camp out! If you’ve got the time and energy to go camping, do it! There’s nothing quite like a camping trip with no Wi-Fi to bring a family closer together. If you can’t swing a trip, a backyard campout can be just as much fun (and you can use your OWN bathroom ????). Pitch the tent while it’s still light, then grab your flashlights, pillows, and blankets, and snuggle in for some spooky stories. You can even make s’mores at home – just toast the marshmallows over your gas range or broil them in the oven.
No matter how you celebrate be sure to take the time to slow down and enjoy the season. There’s nothing quite like summer!
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Celebrating Summer

6 Simple Ideas for Making the Most of the Season

There’s something magical about summer. It’s a time to let loose, hang out, and set your cares aside… A time of bare feet, popsicles on the porch, and long, twilight nights. But life gets busy and these sunny, summer days will slip by before you know it, so we’ve sharing six of our favorite tips to help you and your family make the most of this summer – together!
  1. Throw a party! It doesn’t have to be a big to-do (unless you want it to be) – but an official start-of-summer shindig is a great way to kick off the season with your family. Blow up a few balloons, barbecue some burgers or hot dogs, make your own lemonade or own ice cream, and create some summer crafts to mark the start of something special. Ask the kids to think of a few things they’d like to do this summer – their simple answers might surprise you.
  2. Slow it down! Before you hop in the car and head to the park, neighborhood pool, or library, ask yourself whether you really need to drive there. Could you walk, ride bikes, or scooters instead? Take your mind off the road and enjoy your surroundings – and your kids. Play eye-spy or try a sidewalk scavenger hunt on route. You’ll be sneaking in a bit of exercise and slowing down the pace of your day, too.
  3. Go old school for the day! Unplug and try some blast-from-the-past activities. Hold a hula hoop contest or try twirling a baton. Hot out? Set up a water balloon fight or try target practice with a water squirter. Hungry? Bob for apples or see who can eat the most watermelon – without using their hands! If you’ve got the space, grab an old pillowcase and show your kids how to race, three-legged or throw down the ol’ Slip & Slide. Blow bubbles, try a cartwheel… you get the idea. Bonus tip – don’t worry about taking pix – leave the camera inside and join in the fun.
  4. Have a lemonade stand! A lemonade stand is a rite of passage and a great lesson in entrepreneurship. Purchase your supplies – lemonade mix or fresh lemons and sugar as well as cups and ice – and ask for quarters for change for your customers. Then help your kids make a few pitchers of lemonade the night before so they’ll be nice and cool. They can also make their signs the night before – be sure they include the price. (Share your costs with older kids so they can understand what their net profit really is.) Help the kids set up a folding table and chairs and hang their sign, then pull up a chair and enjoy a good book while they get down to business! Bonus tip – posting about their sale on your neighborhood website or Facebook page is a great way to drum up customers.
  5. Hit the shore or the pool! This might not seem like a big idea, but the twist here is that YOU get in, too. Pack your towels and a picnic lunch, lather up with sunscreen, throw on your suit, and take the plunge. Do your best cannonball, hold hands as you float, give the boogie board a go. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of sun-drying after a swim and your kids will never forget the fun you had in the water – together.
  6. Camp out! If you’ve got the time and energy to go camping, do it! There’s nothing quite like a camping trip with no Wi-Fi to bring a family closer together. If you can’t swing a trip, a backyard campout can be just as much fun (and you can use your OWN bathroom ????). Pitch the tent while it’s still light, then grab your flashlights, pillows, and blankets, and snuggle in for some spooky stories. You can even make s’mores at home – just toast the marshmallows over your gas range or broil them in the oven.
No matter how you celebrate be sure to take the time to slow down and enjoy the season. There’s nothing quite like summer!