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Start the School Year Calm, Cool, and Collected!

5 Favorite Tips and Tricks for Teachers

Hopefully your summer was super relaxing and you’re looking forward to a fresh new school year complete with a clean classroom, organized lesson plan, and students who are ready to learn! To help you maintain your optimistic outlook, we’ve pulled together some of our best tips and tricks to keep you calm, cool, and collected as back-to-school time begins.
  1. Make a choice. Take a few moments each morning to commit yourself to calm. No matter what happens that day, promise yourself that you will keep your cool. Take a few deep breaths, count to 10, sneak a peek at a relaxing vacation pic – make a conscious decision to do whatever it takes to stay composed.788822
  2. Keep your voice down. Save your vocal cords – and your sanity – with the No Yell Bell®! This handy electronic bell features seven different sound effects including a bugle call, cheering crowd, and, of course, a clanging bell, to get your students’ attention. Simply raise the bell to sound the alarm – without ever saying a word, raising your voice, or getting upset.
  3. Be realistic about your time. Teachers pack an unbelievable amount of learning into each and every day. While you are some of the very best multi-taskers around, trying to make the most of every free minute can create a frantic atmosphere and put unnecessary pressure on yourself. Instead, try putting off what doesn’t absolutely have to get done during the day until after school. Then turn on some tunes and take care of biz without all the pressure and stress.Reading a book
  4. Speaking of… turn on some tunes during the day, too! Played at the right times, music is proven to help students focus, build discipline, and develop language and thinking skills. You’re probably already doing your fair share of singing and maybe even using music as a morning welcome or transition notification, but soft, instrumental music played in the background during independent learning or reading time can create a calm atmosphere for everyone.
  5. Dim those harsh lights. The fluorescent lights found in most classrooms create a harsh glare and often flicker, causing eyestrain, headaches, and anxiety in students – and teachers. Snap a perfectly-sized Fluorescent Light Filter onto the metal frame of your classroom ceiling lights and create a soft, relaxing environment perfect for keeping your cool and conducive to learning. Plus, everything looks better in softer light.✨
0803_BTS_TeacherTips03Teachers are practically super-human, so we know you can do this. Ready, set, stay calm!
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Start the School Year Calm, Cool, and Collected!

5 Favorite Tips and Tricks for Teachers

Hopefully your summer was super relaxing and you’re looking forward to a fresh new school year complete with a clean classroom, organized lesson plan, and students who are ready to learn! To help you maintain your optimistic outlook, we’ve pulled together some of our best tips and tricks to keep you calm, cool, and collected as back-to-school time begins.
  1. Make a choice. Take a few moments each morning to commit yourself to calm. No matter what happens that day, promise yourself that you will keep your cool. Take a few deep breaths, count to 10, sneak a peek at a relaxing vacation pic – make a conscious decision to do whatever it takes to stay composed.788822
  2. Keep your voice down. Save your vocal cords – and your sanity – with the No Yell Bell®! This handy electronic bell features seven different sound effects including a bugle call, cheering crowd, and, of course, a clanging bell, to get your students’ attention. Simply raise the bell to sound the alarm – without ever saying a word, raising your voice, or getting upset.
  3. Be realistic about your time. Teachers pack an unbelievable amount of learning into each and every day. While you are some of the very best multi-taskers around, trying to make the most of every free minute can create a frantic atmosphere and put unnecessary pressure on yourself. Instead, try putting off what doesn’t absolutely have to get done during the day until after school. Then turn on some tunes and take care of biz without all the pressure and stress.Reading a book
  4. Speaking of… turn on some tunes during the day, too! Played at the right times, music is proven to help students focus, build discipline, and develop language and thinking skills. You’re probably already doing your fair share of singing and maybe even using music as a morning welcome or transition notification, but soft, instrumental music played in the background during independent learning or reading time can create a calm atmosphere for everyone.
  5. Dim those harsh lights. The fluorescent lights found in most classrooms create a harsh glare and often flicker, causing eyestrain, headaches, and anxiety in students – and teachers. Snap a perfectly-sized Fluorescent Light Filter onto the metal frame of your classroom ceiling lights and create a soft, relaxing environment perfect for keeping your cool and conducive to learning. Plus, everything looks better in softer light.✨
0803_BTS_TeacherTips03Teachers are practically super-human, so we know you can do this. Ready, set, stay calm!